Saint Yared

"..Shame on those of us who are Christians and do not follow the way of the Saviour of the World, whose life was filled kindness, humility and martyrdom! If we lived by the laws he gave us and were worthy of being called Christian, peace would have reigned on this earth. Men were supposed to be the equals of the living angels who unceasingly sang praises before the eternal God. Had this been so peoples of the world would not be divided along lines of emnity. In truth there is no legitimate reason or good cause which justifies war".

Yared composed all the music used for the Ethiopian church’s chants and developed classical musical art forms in the sixth century A.D. The music all speaks of the Creation and the prophecies and the life of Christ – His Advent, His Incarnation, Nativity, His great works and saving acts, His Baptism, Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and His Second Coming.